Thursday 13 November 2014

First view: assassins creed: rogue

I have just started playing assassins creed:  rogue and the first impression is that it’s a familiar game viewed from a different point of view

Rogue, similar to black flag and ac 3, features naval combat and the American Revolution setting but this time you play from the side of a templar. The protagonist, shay cormac is a dynamic and talented but undisciplined youth who joins the brotherhood with a hope to become a master assassin

He starts working but in the process, he finds that the mentor destroys the templar articrafts with such carelessness that entire cities collapse taking thousands of innocent citizens with it. But the bad part is that many cities have been destroyed before than the current one in Portugal.

Shay attempts to steal an articraft to stop all this madness of sacrificing a few thousands in order to save the entire mankind from the templar who pull most of the strings, shay run away but in the process gets shot in the shoulder. He then survives and turns into a templar hunting down assassins.

 I enjoyed an assassin’s creed game in a long time in form of rogue which is more beautifully made than unity. Yes, it’s similar to the previous games and also set in time interval between black-flag and ac3 but this game impresses.

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