Tuesday 4 November 2014

Review of call of duty: advance warfare

The next installment of call of duty is out now and the reviews are pouring in praising the game

Developed by a new team at sledgehammer games, this call of duty game is the biggest and baddest game in the series since the legendary modern warfare. The game features cyber intelligence similar to the titalfall but something is different here.

The team could have just put in some advance weaponry and some futuristic moves to the previsions game and people would have still loved it and paid a billion dollars for this game but that is not what happened. It’s a game designed truly for future war and has its soul for the advance warfare.

The story tied to the game is the one which takes place in 2054 where the congress is very dysfunctional and the United States is in chaos with all major players in the world having a private army.

The story is a bit damp but you don’t buy call of duty for its story, you buy it for its game play and it online multiplayer ability and it excels beyond your expectation at that. Online feature have some amazing moves and the best thing is that now you have access to weapons of mass destruction

Play this game and tell us how you feel

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