Thursday 13 November 2014

The war between video game consoles

Xbox one, for the first time has over taken ps4 in the quarterly sales. Is this the sign for the coming console dominance for a place in your living room?

Microsoft has reported that its xbox one console sales have tripled, the reason: a $50 price cut and an offered free game. Just when you thought that the ps4 was going to dominate this generation of console war, Microsoft has come up with a bang in form multiple of price cuts.

Sony’s ps4 has been dominating the console sales chart for nine straight months with blockbuster sales accompanied by its $399 price tag where as xbox was lagging far behind costing $100 more. The cause was that xbox has a kinect sensor included into the bundle but that has been removed now in order to bring the price down.

Microsoft has been making lots of changes for its console since the time of its introduction in e3 2013. First was a regulatory always on policy which didn’t go down too well with the gaming crowd. And the next, was the game sharing feature where you cannot share a game with a friend, it was teases as renting a game for a full $60 but still Microsoft owned the game, not you

But all that has been removed due to the backlash from the gaming community, since the playing field has been leveled, and xbox costing $50 less than ps4 with a free game, it would be interesting to see how this generation if console will go on

No doubt, the biggest winner in this war will be the gamers who buy the console for dirt cheap prices.

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