Friday 7 November 2014

battlefield 4 on ios devices

Frostbit, the game engine which powers some of the most popular blockbuster titles is seen running on ipad……….but what does it mean?

A couple of screenshots have been released by the frostbite team showing a demo of battlefield running on an ipad. Remember that battlefield is one of the most demanding games in this generation and most of the current computer hardware cannot run the game but the ipad managed to run parts of the game which is very impressive

The team said that they used the apple’s new graphics technology which is called as metal; the team informed that they had to make some sacrifices to run the tech demo nonetheless, its impressive on part of apple to make devices such capable

What this indicates, that I feel, is the console gaming is heading towards its death. With the rise of portable smart phones and devices, the gaming industry  is shifting its focus on casual games than the core AAA titles and now, even the AAA titles are seen running on iphones and ipads, this definitely will lead to the death of console gaming although pc gaming will survive

The tech demo is just to measure the performance of a core game on portable device but do not expect any console game releases on the portable devices

gaming is heading towards an interesting direction but its nothing bad, just the evolution of we play games is what i see

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