Monday 10 November 2014

Overwatch preview: a kid like game intended for adults

Blizzard unwraps a new ip in more than 15 years, but is something unexpected from the veteran gaming company

Watching the first trailer of overwatch, i was like “god!!! What is the legendary game developer blizzard doing developing these kids game” but it made me realise eventually that whatever blizzard does would be more or less a very good game and i started reading about the game

The second gameplay trailer whispered in my ear that the cartoonish game is actually very fun to play and irrespective of graphics, when a gamer is playing the game, he doesn’t care about the graphics. He just searches for a head to blow it up

The game art is in no way bad, it was just my first impulse that this Pixar movie like game is not meant for adults. Story is that of a group bent on ending a long drawn war in a near future like era. The 6 verses 6 matches will features tech city, japans’ monasteries and Paris locations for you to blow up

The characters are awesome, my favourite is a lady named tracer who has super cool powers. Others such as widow maker, hanzoi and wincent are not less cool either. Over all, it’s a different game but different in a good way which will definitely draw me into its world

The beta will start next year and the release date is yet to be announced

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